India's Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra, on Thursday, announced that he has ended his 2021 season due to a lack of training since his return to the country from the Tokyo Olympics. He added that he is taking time off to rest and recharge ahead of the next season.
"Firstly, I want to thank everyone for the love and affection I have received since I came back from Tokyo. I have honestly been overwhelmed by the support from across the country and beyond, and am short of words to express my gratitude to you all.
"The packed schedule of travel and a bout of illness has meant I have not been able to resume training since Tokyo and therefore, along with my team, have decided to cut short by 2021 competition season to be able to take some time off, recharge and come back stronger for a packed 2022 calendar which includes the World Championships, Asian Games and Commonwealth Games.
"I have been encouraged by all the support to Indian athletics over these past few weeks and would urge you all to keep supporting India and Indian athletics in the months and years to come. Jai Hind," Neeraj wrote in an
Instagram post.
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