The 44th Chess Olympiad will be held at Mahabalipuram, near Chennai from July 28 to August 10. To celebrate the occasion, the All-India Chess Federation (AICF), through all the state chess associations and with the support of the Government of Tamil Nadu has plans to popularise chess at grass root level all over India by organising chess tournaments for school children.
The state-level tournament is meant for school children below 15 years of age, will be held for boys and girls, for two days in each state. Tamil Nadu being the host state has the privilege of organising the district level tournaments in all the districts separately.
All school students of the respective states, born on or after 01.01.2007 are eligible. The students must have registered with AICF for the year 2022-23.
No entry fee will be collected from the players to participate in the tournament. All the states shall have the tournaments in May/June and the list of the qualified players has to be submitted to AICF, recommended by the respective state association on or before 25th June 2022.
The attractive and salient feature of the tournament is that besides the winner and runner-up in the boys' and girls' sections of all the state level tournaments, the best boy and girl among the government school children in all the states (except Tamil Nadu) will get a lifetime chance to visit the Olympiad.
They also will interact with grandmasters and other elite participants of the Olympiad, via simultaneous chess or chess lecture etc. In the case of Tamil Nadu students, champion boy and girl of each district will seize the above-mentioned invaluable and amazing chances. Thus, 76 players from 38 eight districts of Tamil Nadu and six players from each of the other 32 states/union territories affiliated to AICF will travel to Mahabalipuram to have a glimpse of the Olympiad.
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