The Supreme Court on Tuesday reserved its orders on a petition filed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy challenging former Chief Justice of India R. M. Lodha Committee's decision to suspend IPL franchisee Chennai Super Kings (CSK) for two years over the 2013 betting scam involving its top official Gurunath Meiyappan. A bench led by Chief Justice T. S. Thakur said it would pronounce orders on the petition which alleged that the PIL filed by Cricket Association of Bihar, through its office-bearer Aditya Verma, was staged.
This PIL was the basis of a Supreme Court judgment constituting the Justice Lodha Committee. “Lalit Modi, who was formerly chairman of the Governing Council of Indian Premier League, a commercial cricket venture involving private teams started by the BCCI, had in fact successfully stage-managed and financed a so called PIL filed by Aditya Verma, representing the Cricket Association of Bihar,” the petition said.
Swamy, in his petition, alleged that he has come into possession of “various communications including authenticated emails which are deeply disturbing, because of the alarming attempt by a coterie or informal syndicate viz., Cricket Association of Bihar, proclaimed offender Lalit Modi, the complicit current BCCI President Manohar Shashank, and some others in Dubai to dupe the legal fraternity...”
The petition alleged that they had in furtherance of a “conspiracy come to this Court with unclean hands, with the sole motive of capturing the game of cricket, and particularly destroy CSK as well as the entire cricketing structure of the BCCI”.
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