The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has registered the land it has bought in the city at a Sub-Registrar’s office here on Thursday. The BCCI intends to move the National Cricket Academy (NCA) from the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium to the new property, located at Aerospace Park in Devanahalli.
Acting BCCI joint-secretary Amitabh Choudhary stated that while 25 acres of land has been registered, the BCCI has requested for 25 acres more.
“We have requested the concerned officials to grant us an extra 25 acres. We are happy that they have not allocated it to anybody else. Our request is being processed,” Choudhary told
Sportstar here on Thursday.
There was speculation that the NCA might be moved out of the city, as the BCCI had faced difficulties in acquiring the land. A relieved Choudhary said that things are looking up now.
“There is no better venue than Bengaluru. The summer months of April to June is when most players train at NCA. In most other cities, it would be too hot to play cricket in these months. Secondly, Bengaluru is easily accessible for everyone concerned - players, coaches and officials,” he said.
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