The Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) will be played between June 4 and July 4 in a bio-secure environment. While Tirunelveli will host the tournament opener between Dindigul Dragons and IDream Tiruppur Tamizhans, the final will be held in Salem.
The tournament has eight franchises- Salem Spartans, Chepauk Super Gillies, LYCA Kovai Kings, Madurai Panthers, Ruby Trichy Warriors, Nellai Royal Kings, Dindigul Dragons and IDream Tiruppur Tamizhans.
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"TNCA will follow strict Standard operating measures of bio bubble with frequent testing and quarantine rules as is being done for BCCI Domestic matches, International matches and with IPL," Tamil Nadu Cricket Association secretary R.S. Ramasaamy said.
The announcement comes after the BCCI granted permission to four state associations to host their intra-state T20 leagues immediately after the conclusion of the Indian Premier League on May 30.
The TNPL will be played in a caravan format where teams will play their matches across three venues - Tirunelveli, Salem and Coimbatore.
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