Former Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra said on Friday that he had filed a review petition in the Supreme Court on the basis of a Delhi Police response, which said there was “no evidence” against him in alleged betting.
Kundra, who was banned for life from cricketing activities for alleged betting in the Indian Premier League (IPL), said, “We filed an application, under RTI, to Delhi Police seeking whether there's any evidence against me on the alleged betting. The answer we got is that they have no evidence against me and I have nothing to do with betting."
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Kundra said he requested the apex court to have a look at the Delhi Police’s response. "In our review (petition) we have asked (sic) 'Please see what the Delhi Police has said and the basis on which I've been banned for life. Please study the new evidence, study them and tell us if I committed any crime. Then I will accept it. If Delhi Police is clearly saying I've done nothing wrong, why penalise me, why I'm being victimised."
In July 2015, a Supreme Court- appointed three-member committee, headed by former Chief Justice of India R.M. Lodha, had banned Kundra and Chennai Super Kings’ Gurunath Meiyappan, the son-in-law of former Indian Cricket Board president N. Srinivasan, for life for allegedly indulging in betting and bringing the IPL and cricket to disrepute.
RR and CSK were banned for two years.
Kundra hoped that the ban was overturned by the highest court.
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