Indian Super League (ISL) franchise Mumbai City FC on Wednesday left for a 33-day long pre-season camp in Spain. Mumbai will play a series of matches during its stay at the Oliva Nova Beach and Golf Hotel in Valencia that boasts of all the modern facilities a professional football club needs for its training.
The head coach of the team, Alexandre Guimaraes, along with the team’s eight foreign recruits, will also arrive at the same time from different parts of the world to prepare along with their Indian colleagues. The Indian players have already undergone their medicals and a short conditioning camp in Pune.
'Long and tough season'
Guimaraes has his eyes set on the championship this year and aims to get all the players in top shape before the ISL begins in November. “It’s going to be a long and tough season. I need to prepare the players with that in mind so that they can play at their best all the way till the end,” the Costa Rican said.
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“We are looking to play a lot of competitive matches and that too against some strong teams. The goal is to get a lot of match time during the camp and to come back and give a good account of ourselves, like we did last year,” he added.
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