There was Star Power in the stands as Bollywood and Kannada actors turned up in good measure for the IPL launch. The big one was of course Shah Rukh Khan, who owns the Kolkata Knight Riders. He was accompanied by good friends, Juhi Chawla and Karan Johar and ‘King’ Khan had reason to be pleased on a night when his Knight Riders rode on to a convincing victory over Bangalore Royal Challengers in the opening tie.
Shah Rukh Khan was up on his feet at the fall of each Bangalore Challengers’ wicket as the music system blared out his Don hit ‘Aaaj Ki Raat’ .
Also on show were Zayed Khan and Shilpa Shetty, brought on to cheer the Bangalore Royal Challengers, but their initial euphoria died as their team’s challenge was snuffed in double quick time, thanks to a blazing knock by Knight Riders’ Brendon McCullum. Also in tow were Kannada stars Ramya and Upendra, brand ambassadors of Royal Challengers. Deepika Padukone, the new Bollywood heart-throb, was sounded out to be a brand ambassador for Royal Challengers, but she declined the offer, citing shooting schedules in China and in Bangkok for a new film with Akshay Khanna. Deepika’s dad and badminton maestro, Prakash Padukone, was very much around, enjoying every bit of the action.
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