The president of the All India Council of Sports (AICS), Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra, sought a drastic cut in GST to 5 % on all sports equipment and related items, following the seventh meeting of AICS here on Wednesday.
The impact of GST on sports sector was discussed in detail in the meeting, and the members asked the president to take up the matter with the Union Finance Minister.
On his part, Prof. Malhotra said that many talented players at the State level were unable to pursue their career for want of quality equipment and that they need to be given ‘’Soft sports loan’’ on the same lines as the educational loan.
The AICS also reiterated its demand for sports infrastructure in the master plan for smart cities, in terms of multi-purpose stadium with yoga and meditation hall, athletic track, jogging track and walk way for senior citizens.
Prof. Malhotra mentioned the need to have one million sports clubs under the Pradhan Mantri Khel Vikas Yojana to develop sports culture in the country.
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