Gymnasts Meghana Reddy of Telangana and Aditee of Maharashtra will spearhead the country’s challenge when the first edition of the two-day Indian Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup begins at the Gachibowli Stadium on Saturday.
Organised as an independent competition by Gundlapally Krida Foundation, the competition will see gymnasts from Italy, Slovenia, Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka participating in different categories.
18-year-old Anna-Marie Ondaatje, a Canadian born female rhythmic gymnast of Sri Lankan descent, who competed at the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games, has already arrived.
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A total of 65 gymnasts, including Indians from Mumbai, Pune, Karnataka, Chennai, Delhi, Chandigarh, Hyderabad and Maharastra will also participate in this event, the first international competition happening in Rhythmic Gymnastics history in India.
Category of events are sub-juniors (U-10, U-12), juniors (age 12-15), seniors (15+ yrs).
“India has a huge potential of girls playing Rhythmic Gymnastics and this is a major platform for them to see and get inspired by the world standard,” Gymnastic Federation of India (GFI) vice president Riyaz Bhati said.
“Many children may not be able to go to other countries. So this is the opportunity for them to see the best of international gymnasts and get inspiration and do more for the country.”
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