Tennis has been an education

Published : Nov 17, 2018 19:15 IST

Ramanathan Krishnan... twice Wimbledon semifinalist.

Tennis has been my life since I started playing the sport during my school days. Whatever experiences I have been through, whatever success I have achieved, it was due to tennis. Thanks to the sport, I have travelled to different continents. It has taught me human behaviour, and most of all, it has been an education for me.

I started reading Sportstar (then Sport & Pastime) when I was 13. It was a magazine that was up-to-date with the latest sporting events. If you are a sports fan, you just have to follow it. I have many pleasant memories of the magazine.

I miss Nirmal Shekar the former Sports Editor of The Hindu and Editor, Sportstar and wish he was here with us as the mazagine celebrates 40 years.

(As told to K. Keerthivasan)