World Archery: 'No penalty or suspension for AAI now'

WA Secretary General Tom Dielen had sent an email to AAI president Rao and the rest of the association administration informing them that WA did not recognise the outcome of the General Assembly (GA), including Rao's election, held on December 22.

Published : Jan 22, 2019 18:19 IST

B.V.P. Rao (c) was elected president of the Archery Association of India (AAI) on December 22.

World Archery (WA) has said that it will not take any hasty decision over issues related to the Archery Association of India (AAI) constitution and will keep the archers' interest in mind in the run-up to the 2020 Olympics.

Following a meeting of the newly-elected AAI president B.V.P. Rao and the WA officials in Laussane on Monday, WA said it would refrain from taking any disciplinary action now.

“At this time, the AAI is recognised as a WA member in good standing and no penalty or suspension has been instigated,” WA said in a statement.

On January 16, WA Secretary General Tom Dielen had sent an email to Rao and the rest of the association administration informing them that WA did not recognise the outcome of the General Assembly (GA), including Rao's election, held on December 22 due to the constitution not being formally approved.

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WA acknowledged the receipt of the minutes of the AAI's GA meeting. “Further information related to the GA has now been requested and, when provided, the complete documentation will undergo assessment before a recommendation is presented to the WA executive board.”

Dielen said, “India is a promising archery region and it is imperative that we build a strong federation that will realise its potential going forward. As such, we will not rush this process but work towards a stable long-term outcome.

“WA has the interests of Indian athletes as its priority throughout this period and will put paramount importance in ensuring that those athletes’ preparations for the Olympic Games in Tokyo are not interrupted as a result of administrative uncertainty.”

Speaking to Sportstar from Laussane, Rao said, “I asked them what was their objection about good governance in the constitution. I will place everything before the GA and the Supreme Court.

“I am happy for the archers, who were a little demoralised after the previous statement from the WA. This will help them focus on their job.”