Indian players visit ailing Shahid

The Indian men’s hockey team left on Wednesday for the final part of its training in Bengaluru before flying off for the homestretch of the Rio Olympics but not before paying a visit to ailing Olympian Mohammed Shahid.

Published : Jul 13, 2016 22:23 IST

Mohammed Shahid, who has been hospitalised with liver and kidney-related issues for the past fortnight, has been critical since Monday after showing signs of recovery last week.

The Indian men’s hockey team left on Wednesday for the final part of its training in Bengaluru before flying off for the homestretch of the Rio Olympics but not before paying a visit to ailing Olympian Mohammed Shahid.

Shahid, who has been hospitalised with liver and kidney-related issues for the past fortnight, has been critical since Monday after showing signs of recovery last week. Five senior members of the Indian team — captain P.R. Sreejesh, S.V. Sunil, V.R. Raghunath, Sardar Singh and Manpreet Singh — along with chief coach Roelant Oltmans visited the Medanta Hospital.

“We did not want to crowd at the hospital and make things more difficult for the doctors or the family. The entire team has sent its wishes for Shahid bhai’s speedy recovery. He is a legend and many of us began playing only by listening to his heroics and magic,” one of the members said.

Condition still serious

While Shahid’s condition continues to be serious — doctors had planned a dialysis on Tuesday evening but postponed it while Dr. Naresh Trehan tried to reassure the family — the players gifted a team jersey signed by all members of the side to the former India captain.

“Bhai is serious, no doubt. Since he is on medication, he was sedated but still able to recognise us. He could not talk and the doctors did not want to exert him but he smiled and we could see him wishing us luck through his eye movements,” the member said, getting emotional.

“The doctors promised us that the signed jersey would be put up in front of his bed so that he can see it. You never know what helps someone recover. At the same time, we are sure his blessings will only bring good luck to our team,” he added.

Earlier in the day, sports minister Vijay Goel visited Shahid and enquired about his health. Goel met Shahid’s family members and conveyed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s wishes for a speedy recovery.

Doctors attending on Shahid assured of best possible treatment.