Chautala shows up at IOA meeting before making a hasty retreat

Abhay Singh Chautala, whose election as IOA president in December 2012 was declared null and void by the International Olympics Committee, barged his way into the meeting hall at the IOA Bhawan

Published : Nov 07, 2017 16:39 IST

Abhay Singh Chautala election as IOA president in December 2012 was declared null and void by the International Olympics Committee.

Tainted former Indian Olympic Association (IOA) president Abhay Singh Chautala showed up at the association's emergent executive council meeting without any invite here on Tuesday before making a hasty retreat after some members objected to his presence.

Chautala, whose election as IOA president in December 2012 was declared null and void by the International Olympics Committee, barged his way into the meeting hall at the IOA Bhawan and sat for around 10 minutes.

Later an executive council member G. S. Mander objected and requested the chair to expel non-members. The meeting also passed a resolution that a non-member's statements will not be recorded.

IOA secretary general Rajeev Mehta said Chautala was not invited for the meeting.

“We have not invited him for the meeting. He came on his own. He sat for around 10 minutes and after opposition from Mr. Mander he left the meeting hall.”

“We cannot throw him out but after the resolution was passed he left.”

When Chautala was asked why he came for the meeting, he said, “I just came to meet the people and say hello to them.”

The election of Chautala and Lalit Bhanot as president and secretary general in December 2012 led to the IOA being banned by the IOC till February 2014.