DDCA EC writes to Ombudsman

Contents of the circular issued by suspended secretary Vinod Tihara “amount to indiscipline and gross misconduct,” the Executive Committee tells the Ombudsman in a letter.

Published : Aug 15, 2018 20:06 IST

Representative Image: DDCA secretary Vinod Tihara was suspended on Tuesday.

The Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) Executive Committee has apprised Ombudsman Justice (Retd) Badar Durrez Ahmed of the compelling circumstances under which it had to take the decision to “suspend” its newly elected secretary.

In a “unilateral” circular issued on August 12, the secretary had raised objections on the appointment of the administrative staff (CEO, COO, CFO and GM) and decided to scrap the cricket committee and selection committee picked by the DDCA EC. He also threatened employees with “termination” for dereliction of his orders.

The EC pointed out that all the administrative appointments had been made in accordance with the Lodha reforms.


The DDCA EC, on receipt of the mails from the secretary, decided to respond with a letter to the Ombudsman. “It is clear that the contents of the above Circular issued by Vinod Tihara amount to indiscipline and gross misconduct. It is pertinent to note that the directions issued by Tihara fall within the exclusive domain of the Board of Directors and their collective wisdom; exercising of any such power by any member of the Board lest the Secretary is against spirit of the powers entrusted upon the Board by the Articles of Association.”

“He was never authorized by the Board to issue any such circular or assume any such powers. Further, he was privy to all the decisions taken by the Executive Committee members in majority, he was part of the meeting dated 02nd July 2018 wherein decisions were passed unanimously and had even signed the Circular Resolution dated 29th July 2018 wherein decisions taken on 2nd July 2018 and subsequent actions were reinforced and reaffirmed by Tihara as well,” said the letter.

Read: Sanjay Bhardwaj fires fresh salvo at DDCA chief

The EC claimed, “The Board is of the opinion that the Circular issued by Tihara has the effect of bringing the cricketing activities to a standstill due to the hindrance created in proper and efficient functioning of the officials of DDCA and adversely jeopardizing the ensuing cricket season. The directions in the Circular are extremely detrimental to DDCA and the game of cricket.”

The secretary, said the letter, sought unfettered power and wanted to extend “undue favours” to his voters, who were given commitments to that effect. The EC also brought to the notice of the Ombudsman the “unparliamentary language” and “intimidating, unruly behaviour” at the Emergent Meeting held on Tuesday.

The action by the DDCA has found support from former India Test players Madan Lal and Kirti Azad.