In the second Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) match of the day, 19-year-old G. Ajitesh (48 n.o., 25b, 1x4, 5x6) lit the night sky with some sensational hitting to power Nellai Royal Kings to a convincing five-wicket win over Salem Spartans.
Chasing 150, Ajitesh walked in when Royal Kings had just lost two wickets off successive deliveries with the score reading 84 for 4 in the 11th over.
The young right-hander went after pacer G. Kishoor hitting him for three sixes in the 13th over - two pulled over midwicket and one over long-off.
That over decisively shifted the momentum in Royal Kings’ favour and helped the team post its second win in as many matches.
Earlier, Daryl Ferrario slammed an unbeaten 60 (49b, 4x4, 2x6) and with R. Kavin (48) added 91 runs off just 69 balls for the third wicket to set a great platform for the Spartans.
However, once Kavin was dismissed, Spartans' innings went off the boil as it lost wickets regularly and just managed 25 runs in the last five overs.
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