Greece's table tennis team resumes training

Antiseptic dispensers were placed on the wall, gloves, masks, disinfectants were made available, distances were strictly observed with the resumption of training.

Published : May 08, 2020 16:26 IST

Players' temperatures were checked upon entering the premises.

Eight members of the Greek National table tennis team resumed training at the Stadium of Peace and Friendship here on Thursday. It’s the first time since mid-March, when quarantine was imposed, that the premises have been open for any sport, according to an International Table Tennis Federation release. The players who took part were Panagiotis Gionis, Ioannis Sgouropoulos, Konstantinos Aggelakis and Konstantinos Konstantinopoulos (all men) and Katerina Toliou, Georgia Zavitsanou, Elisavet Terpou and Malamatenia Papadimitriou (women).


On entering the premises the temperature of all players was measured with special thermometers. Antiseptic dispensers were placed on the wall, gloves, masks, disinfectants were made available, distances were strictly observed. Notably, the locker rooms are not used and play was conducted behind closed doors, added the statement. Permission to hold training sessions was granted by Lefteris Avgenakis, the Deputy Minister of Sport, on the condition that the regulations of the Health Scientific Committee of Sports were followed. “We are going gently, with absolute attention and observance of the rules of hygiene so that we can all start training as soon as possible. We are making an effort to restore normalcy to all. We are in an individual sport, we have team spirit and individual responsibility. Many people have worked hard to get started,” said the national coaches, Konstantinos Vatsaklis and Konstantins Kostopoulos.