• Not overdoing eating. They are eating with moderation. In fact they sometimes started eating later in the day. This allowed an intermittent fasting situation. So we got a 14-15 hour fasting period. They finished their dinner early by 7 p.m. Breakfast, the next day. would be post 10 a.m.
  • Their cheat meals were limited to ‘eating out was banned’ in the lockdown. So they experimented with home cooked desserts and portion controlled them. No sugar, no sweets except one serving per week. They could chose any sweet dish but it had to be under 100 grams weight.
  • We increased their protein post workout but consumed lesser or no carbs post the workout.
  • They focused on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and did a lot of core work.
  • We added probiotics to reduce bloating and we removed gluten and bread as much as possible.
  • We added a lot of walking to their regime — 5-6km a day of a light run or jog.
  • They were asked to strictly follow the table (above) along with other food options.