ISL: Kerala Blasters FC signs defender Likmabam Rakesh

Likmabam Rakesh will join Kerala Blasters on a three-year contract until 2027.

Published : Jun 18, 2024 16:23 IST , Kochi - 1 MIN READ

Likmabam Rakesh will join Kerala Blasters on a three-year contract until 2027.  | Photo Credit: Kerala Blasters FC 

Kerala Blasters FC announced the signing of defender Likmabam Rakesh on Tuesday.

The highly promising left-back will join the side on a three-year contract until 2027.

The 21-year-old, born in Manipur, began his professional career with NEROCA FC. In 2018, he joined the Bengaluru FC Academy and went on to represent their U16, U18, and Reserve teams in various age-group tournaments.

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He returned to NEROCA FC in 2022 and since, Rakesh has made over 40 appearances for club in the I-League, Durand Cup, and Super Cup Qualifiers. While the majority of his performances have come in his usual left-back position, the young defender can even slot in as a center-back.

Karolis Skinkys, Sporting Director of Kerala Blasters FC, said, “We are delighted to welcome Likmabam Rakesh to Kerala Blasters. This season he has shown a lot of potentials, allowing us to believe that he can be a valuable player for us in the future. At this moment Rakesh and our attention is on finding the best way forward for his development.”

Likmabam Rakesh becomes the club’s second signing of the summer, following goalkeeper Som Kumar who was announced last week.