Pooja Kadian created history on Wednesday by clinching the first ever gold medal for India at the Wushu World Championships in Kazan. She finished top in the 75 kg women’s sanda category, overcoming Evgeniya Stepanova of Russia in the final.
Earlier in the semifinal, she beat Egypt’s Heba Abdelkader 2-0.
Arunpama Devi Keisham claimed bronze in the 65 kg sanda category.
Among the men, Rameshchandra Singh Moirangthem (sanda 48 kg), Bhanu Pratap Singh (sanda 60 kg) and Rajinder Singh (90 kg) claimed bronze medals.
Rajinder entered the semifinals after getting the better of Russia’s Bozigit Ataev 2-1, before losing 1-2 to gold medallist Milad Arefi (Iran).
Rameshchandra missed the final berth by a whisker. His semifinal battle, against Wang Yongjie (China), finished 0-0 but the latter was awarded a victory on technical lines. He eventually ended up winning gold.
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