Novak Djokovic vs Rafael Nadal, Paris 2024 Olympics Highlights: Djokovic wins 6-1, 6-4 in Nadal’s likely Philipe Chatrier farwell

Paris 2024 Olympics: Catch the score, updates and highlights from the tennis second round match between Nadal and Djokovic being played at the Paris Olympics.

Updated : Jul 29, 2024 19:23 IST

Spain's Rafael Nadal, right, and Serbia's Novak Djokovic pose before their men's singles second round match.
Spain's Rafael Nadal, right, and Serbia's Novak Djokovic pose before their men's singles second round match. | Photo Credit: AP

Spain's Rafael Nadal, right, and Serbia's Novak Djokovic pose before their men's singles second round match. | Photo Credit: AP

Welcome to Sportstar’s HIGHLIGHTS of the Novak Djokovic vs Rafael Nadal second round match at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

  • July 29, 2024 19:07
    Novak Djokovic beats Rafael Nadal 6-1, 6-4

    It was one way traffic for a long time in the contest until Nadal fought back from 0-4 down to level 4-4 in the second. But Djokovic saved his afterburners for the right moment and got past the finish line.

  • July 29, 2024 18:58
    Set 2, Game 10 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: A cross-court FH winner from Djokovic. Nadal was on the other way anticapting a down the line shot.

    15-15: Djokovic hits the net. He lets out a cry in anguish after that point.

    30-15: An ace along the T from Djokovic.

    30-30: Djokovic sends his FH wide. Nadal still in with a shot.

    40-30: Fault on the first serve. Nadal’s BH return lands long. A match point for Djokovic.

    Match: Djokovic takes the match with an ace.

  • July 29, 2024 18:49
    Set 2, Game 9 - Nadal

    Nadal to serve.

    0-15: A BH winner for Djokovic down the line.

    0-30: Fault. Nadal hits the return into the net to give some room to Djokovic.

    15-30: An ace! The first one of the match for Nadal.

    15-40: Nadal misses a FH, lands it wide to give Djokovic two break points.

    30-40: Fault. Djokovic sends his return on serve long. One break point saved by Nadal.

    40-40: A serve and volley from Nadal. Djokovic gets to it which Nadal answers with a volley winner. We have a fist pump and the Philipe Chatrier is up on its feet.

    40-A: A FH from Nadal goes off the frame and ends up long, another break point for Djokovic.

    40-40: Nadal lands a BH deep enough which does not allow Djokovic to hit the return above the net. Deuce.

    40-A: A BH from Djokovic grazes the touchline on the left side. He follows it up with a FH cross-court winner.

    Game: Djokovic hangs on. He fires a BH drop shot to better Nadal. 

  • July 29, 2024 18:42
    Set 2, Game 8 - Nadal

    Djokovic to serve.

    0-15: Nadal wins a rally with a FH winner which finds the baseline.

    15-15: Djokovic gets control of the rally with an over head smash. Nadal lobs it up from deep but out of bounds.

    15-30: A drop shot put in by Nadal, Djokovic gets to it but serves a simple winner chance for Nadal.

    15-40: Djokovic misses his BH and puts it long. Nadal has two break points.

    30-40: Djokovic saves one with an absolute bomb serve.

    Game: Fault. What a point! Djokovic is at the net, hits an overhead smash, but to see Rafa meet it and then hit a winner.. The set is level 4-4!

  • July 29, 2024 18:36
    Set 2, Game 7 - Nadal

    Nadal to serve.

    15-0: Nadal forces Djokovic wide with a FH. It’s too much ground to cover for the Serb and he hits his FH into the net.

    30-0: Djokovic’s passing BH through the ad court goes wide.

    30-15: A fine FH winner from Djokovic through the ad court.

    40-15: The crowd goes raucous as Nadal dominates this rally. He forces Djokovic back with FH to the right. Djokovic lobs it up in defence but puts it long.

    Game: Nadal takes the game as Djokovic sends his return beyond the baseline.

  • July 29, 2024 18:31
    Set 2, Game 6 - Nadal

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: Nadal’s BH return slice is weak, Djokovic approaches the net and hits a FH winner.

    15-15: Fault. Djokovic forces a BH wide and loses the point.

    15-30: Djokovic attempts a BH drop, finds the net.

    30-30: Nadal’s BH goes too long.

    30-40: A long baseline rally but Djokovic hits his FH wide which gets Nadal a break point.

    Game: A double fault. Djokovic leads 4-2!

  • July 29, 2024 18:26
    Set 2, Game 5 - Nadal

    Nadal to serve.

    15-0: A strong serve from Nadal as Djokovic’s return hits the net.

    30-0: Nadal gets his FH on the mark as he reaches a deep return and puts the winner in down the line.

    30-15: Djokovic forces an error out of Nadal. He has him pinned in the right corner and Nadal puts his FH into the net.

    40-15: Djokovic not able to meet with a FH from Nadal on the net.

    Game: Nadal manages to win his first game of the set.

  • July 29, 2024 18:21
    Set 2, Game 4 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: A BH drop shot from Djokovic gets him the point.

    30-0: A FH winner through the ad court for Djokovic.

    30-15: Fault! A passing FH from Djokovic goes into the net.

    40-15: Djokovic finds the right angle on the serve. Even as Nadal gets to it, he puts it long.

    Game: A serve and BH volley to close the game. Djokovic leads 4-0!

  • July 29, 2024 18:14
    Set 2, Game 3 - Djokovic

    Nadal to serve.

    0-15: An unforced error from Nadal gets a point for Djokovic to begin the third game.

    0-30: Djokovic is striking it with real power. A cross-court FH is too good for Nadal.

    15-30: Nadal goes to the T with this serve, Djokovic’s return is into the net.

    30-30: Djokovic is in control of this rally until he slams his FH into the net.

    30-40: A double fault from Nadal. A break point for Djokovic.

    40-40: Nadal gets going in this rally with a FH. Djokovic finally puts a BH into the net to concede the point.

    40-A: Another unforced error from Nadal as he hits his FH wide. Looks visibly frustrated.

    Game: Another break for the Serb. His serve is deep and Nadal digs out a FH only to put it long.

  • July 29, 2024 18:10
    Set 2, Game 2 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: An ace to start off.

    30-0: A fault on the first serve. A BH winner down the line from Djokovic to get the point.

    40-0: No, Djokovic, no! You cannot do that. He goes around the net with a passing FH. That’s world class!

    Game: An ace to take the second game. Djokovic leads 2-0!

  • July 29, 2024 18:03
    Set 2, Game 1 - Djokovic

    Nadal to serve.

    15-0: A strong serve, Djokovic hits a BH but puts it long.

    15-15: Nadal tries to put his cross court FH flat, ends up hitting it wide.

    15-30: Another error on the FH from Nadal. He tries to put venom on it and makes the mistake, putting it long.

    30-30: Djokovic misses a BH return.

    30-40: Nadal errs on his BH this time. Tries to go down the line but puts it long. A break point for Djokovic.

    40-40: Deuce! Nadal lands his FH at a tough angle for Djokovic who puts the return wide.

    40-A: A long baseline exchange which goes Djokovic’s way after Nadal puts into the net

    Game: Nadal hits a BH into the net and that’s another break for Djokovic.

  • July 29, 2024 17:56
    Set 1, Game 7 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    0-15: Djokovic goes for BH drop, Nadal gets to it and hits a FH slice to win the point.

    15-15: Nadal is stretched on his FH, he manages to get racquet on it but misses the line.

    30-15: A strong BH-FH combo from Djokovic gets him this point.

    40-15: Nadal’s BH return on serve is wide. Two set points for Djokovic.

    Set: Nadal fluffs his FH off his frame and hands Djokovic the final point of the set.

  • July 29, 2024 17:52
    Set 1, Game 6 - Nadal

    Nadal to serve.

    0-15: A double fault from the Spaniard.

    15-15: Nadal forces Djokovic wide with a FH. Djokovic tries to slice his BH and ends up hitting it long.

    15-30: A first serve fault. Nadal’s BH takes the net and lands beyond the baseline.

    30-30: Nadal with a rocket FH on the deuce court. Djokovic puts too much on his shot and concedes the point.

    40-30: Nadal gets his FH wide on the deuce court and then fires a BH down the line to get a game point.

    Game: Djokovic’s BH return on serve misses the court. Djokovic leads 5-1!

  • July 29, 2024 17:47
    Set 1, Game 5 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: Djokovic disguises a drop, Nadal gets to it but the Serb hits the winner on the next shot.

    30-0: FIRE! A monstrous BH from Djokovic on the ad court.

    40-0: Three game points for Djokovic as Nadal hits his FH long.

    Game: Nadal tries to go around the net on his FH but hits it way beyond the baseline.

  • July 29, 2024 17:38
    Set 1, Game 4 - Djokovic

    Nadal to serve.

    15-0: Djokovic hits a return with too much power. Lands it beyond the baseline.

    15-15: Nadal botches up a FH and puts it into the net.

    30-15: Djokovic hits a BH into the net.

    30-30: An overhead smash from the Serb from close to the net, Nadal not able to time his return.

    30-40: Nadal with another unforced error, puts his BH too wide on the deuce court. A break point for Djokovic

    40-40: Djokovic goes for another drop shot but Nadal is game for it and hits a sliced BH to find the angle to beat Djokovic.

    40-A: Terrific! An interesting to and fro on the net between the two. Djokovic is able to get the BH winner which just about beats Nadal.

    40-40: Another lengthy rally, this time from the baseline. Nadal’s BH just clips the baseline and beats Djokovic. Deuce!

    40-A: A rocket BH from Djokovic down the line, Nadal no match for it and sets it up for a winner. A third break point.

    Game: Fault. Nadal with another error. Djokovic leads 4-0!

  • July 29, 2024 17:33
    Set 1, Game 3 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: Djokovic goes down the T with his first serve which Nadal returns but hits too long.

    30-0: A well-feigned drop shot from Djokovic. Nadal too far back to get to it.

    40-0: Djokovic hits an abolute rocket of a FH through the ad court. Nadal fluffs his return and concedes the point.

    Game: A BH drop shot to take the final point. Djokovic 3-0!

  • July 29, 2024 17:27
    Set 1, Game 2 - Djokovic

    Nadal to serve.

    0-15: A fault to start. Nadal hits a forehand beyond the baseline to concede the point.

    0-30: Djokovic makes Nadal run across with a FH-BH combo. Nadal ends up hitting beyond the baseline.

    15-30: A strong serve along the T and then a forehand down the right side to close the point.

    30-30: A long rally. Djokovic almost gets the point with a flat backhand but Nadal is able to get around and hit a cross-court winning FH.

    30-40: A fault on first serve. The rallies are beginning to flow now. He comes up to the net after a drop. Nadal is forced to chase the ball to the baseline from the net. He lobs it up to extend the rally but the point goes to the Serb with an overhead smash.

    Game: Djokovic breaks! It was a strong serve but Nadal’s FH hits the net and lands out of bounds. Djokovic 2-0!

  • July 29, 2024 17:20
    Set 1, Game 1 - Djokovic

    Djokovic to serve.

    15-0: Djokovic fires a backhand down the line, Nadal’s return into the net.

    30-0: Djokovic fires an ace.

    40-0: A fault on first serve. Nadal’s backhand return on the second serve is tossed up but lands wide.

    40-15: Nadal with a backhand return. He then moves upto the net for a smash. Djokovic is able to return but allows a winner to Nadal.

    40-30: A fault on first serve. Nadal puts revs on a forehand down the line, Djokovic puts its beyond the baseline.

    40-40: An unforced error on a forehand from Djokovic. Deuce.

    A-40: A strong cross-court forehand puts Nadal in the spot. He slices his return and Djokovic gets the winner in.

    Game: Nadal misfires his forehand out of bounds. Djokovic 1-0!

  • July 29, 2024 17:19
    Toss - Nadal

    Rafael Nadal won the toss, opted to receive.

    End of warm ups.

  • July 29, 2024 17:17
    Nadal in 1st round

    bt Marton Fucsovics (HUN) 6-1, 4-6, 6-4

  • July 29, 2024 17:16
    Djokovic in 1st round

    bt Matthew Ebden (AUS) 6-0, 6-1

  • July 29, 2024 17:13
    The players are on court

    Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic make their way onto court Philipe Chatrier. Moments away from the start of the match.

  • July 29, 2024 16:59
    Djokovic vs Nadal - YTD record

    Nadal - 11/6

    Djokovic - 23/7

  • July 29, 2024 16:57
    The last meeting between Nadal and Djokovic

    The two met at the same venue two years back during the French Open 2022 when the Spaniard won 6-2, 4-6, 6-2, 7-6 (4).

  • July 29, 2024 16:26
    Djokovic vs Nadal - Head-to-Head Record

    Matches: 59 | Djokovic: 30 | Nadal: 29

  • July 29, 2024 15:59
    Agonisingly close!!

    Arjun Babuta finishes fourth in Men’s 10m Air Rifle at Paris Olympics

    Babuta looked good for a top-three finish for the large part but a 9.5 on the final shot saw him come up short.

  • July 29, 2024 15:57
    Nadal vs Djokovic

    The men’s second round encounter will be played at the Court Philippe-Chatrier after the women’s singles encounter between Iga Swiatek (POL) and Diane Parry (FRA). 

  • July 29, 2024 15:49
    Catch live action from the Men’s 10m rifle final where Arjun Babuta is in contention for a medal!

    Paris 2024 Olympics, Shooting Highlights, July 29: Arjun Babuta 4th in 10m air rifle final, Manu Bhaker-Sarabjot qualify for bronze medal match

    Paris 2024 today highlights: Here’s the score and coverage of the Olympics’ shooting events of July 29.

  • July 29, 2024 15:44

    The Paris 2024 Olympics men’s singles second round encounter between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal will be streamed live on the Jio Cinema app. The match will also be telecast on the Sports 18 network. 

  • July 29, 2024 15:36
    Stay Tuned!

    Welcome to Sportstar’s live coverage of the second round tennis encounter between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal. Stay Tuned for all updates and score from the game!

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