The Court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA), running the affairs of Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI), will be entitled to Rs 5 lakh compensation, including Rs 3 lakh to the Chairperson, per month. In addition, the manager’s remuneration is fixed at Rs 50,000 per month.
This takes the total expenditure to Rs 66 lakh per year. In comparison, the prize-money for the 2021-22 season, spread over four ranking tournaments and three National championships, comes to around Rs 55 lakh.
It is important to reiterate that elected office-bearers of National Sports Federations are not entitled to any salary for their services.
As things stand, the TTFI has to bear this additional financial burden, indefinitely.
Chief Justice (Retd.) Geeta Mittal, Chetan Mittal (senior advocate) and S.D. Mudgil comprise the CoA.
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