Players and staff of the Indian men’s and women’s hockey teams, who have been living under lockdown in Bengaluru, will be allowed to return home while following strict safety measures, Hockey India stated in its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
A total of 72 players and staff members have been restricted to their own rooms at the Sports Authority of India’s campus in Bengaluru during the nationwide coronavirus-imposed lockdown after arriving for the national training camp in the first and second weeks of March.
The SOP stated that the staff and players can return to their homes after consulting the chief coaches about the duration of the leave. They are required to wear a mask and carry hand sanitiser while travelling. While at home, they are expected to interact with only family members, train in isolation and step out of the house only for necessities.
Two-week quarantine
Upon returning, the team members will be put under a two-week quarantine and will be tested on the 10th day, if testing is available. If not, social distancing for a third week is a must for every member. Once the 14-day quarantine period ends, members will not be allowed to step out of the campus for two weeks, not even for essentials.
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During the training, teams can train in groups of maximum six people and roughly one quarter of the pitch (40x20m). Players can tackle during the training but celebrations such as high fives, first bumps are banned. Players will have to carry their own training gear, hand sanitiser and towel. All the training equipment including players’ training gear and practice balls will be sanitised after each session.
With the gyms at the SAI centre out of bounds, the teams can conduct fitness sessions in the badminton court in groups of maximum 16 members each.
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