The BCCI anti-corruption head Ajit Singh on Wednesday said he will investigate the case of a Mumbai player allegedly approached to under-perform during a local T20 League last month and is expecting the MCA to hand over the details of the matter at the earliest.
“It (the case) has not been forwarded as of now but I will ask my office to check up with them (MCA). Once it comes, on the basis of what the complaint is, we will inquire since it is already out there (in public domain),” Ajit Singh told PTI .
According to a media report, the Mumbai player, who has played Ranji Trophy, was approached by a rival team’s owner to under-perform in the Mumbai T20 League semifinals.
The league, approved by the BCCI and conducted by the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA), was held from May 14 to May 26 and all the games were broadcast live on a leading sports network.
The MCA too has an anti-corruption unit but it is not as well-equipped as the BCCI watchdog to investigate.
A host of local T20 leagues have sprung up after the success of the Indian Premier League.
The Saurashtra Cricket Association, too, organised its inaugural league last month and with the growth of the local leagues, comes the added threat of corruption.
The state units of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, too, have their own T20 Leagues.
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